Monday, May 30, 2016
Sailin' On
This week has been slower, but it was really great!
Weather was a little crazy this week, lots and lots of thunder storms, tornadoes out in west Kansas, not here though.
B___has been struggling a lot lately, he isn't really in the best
living situation. He lives with his cousin who is a member, but he struggles a lot with drugs. B___ really hates being there and having drugs around him (especially because of his struggles in the past) so being stressed he started smoking again. But he was able to talk to the Branch President and find a new living situation.
We ended up having a baptism this week! Brooks was this homie we found last week who had been taught 8-9 months ago but totally dropped off the radar. But we found him and he really wanted to get baptized, it took 9 days and hardly anything else. But with his baptism we have been able to reactivate his good friend Aspin. It was such an awesome
Not much else to write about, transfers are this week and Elder Colemere got called to be a Zone Leader in Wichita, we thought that I might be staying in Ark, but I am also getting transferred. I got called to Topeka. I am in a trio with Elder Mitchell and Elder Porter, Elder Mitchell is a DL and goes home at the end of the month. He also just got released as an AP so I will be able to learn a ton from him. I am super sad about leaving Ark though, there is a ton of people I
will have to say goodbye to.
- Elder Andrasko
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Here comes the Son
Not a lot of time to write today so it'll be a shorter letter.
We went up to Wichita today to drop off Elder Eakle so he can get his
new companion. So after 5 weeks in a 6 week transfer we are out of a
trio that was supposed to last maybe 2 weeks.
This week we had to push back B__'s baptism to the 4th, which was
terrible. But quitting smoking is a hard thing. But he has been living
the word of wisdom for a full week now. So he's still looking good for
next weekend. Unfortunately his baptism is transfer week so Elder
Colemere or I might not be around for it.
A__- doesn't really have a strong desire for baptism, she wants to be
baptized but she is scared to do it. And it's been hard for us to get
down to the root of the problem because she is really nervous around
us. But we have been building an awesome relationship with her. And
baptism is totally possible with her this Sunday. Not Saturday because
W____ is going with the young men to Nauvoo.
We had such a sick miracle this week. We went on exchanges with the
ZLs, Elder Haws served down in Ark 8 months ago so he came down with
me. We went to see someone he had baptized and his friend, who was a
previous investigator. His name is Brooks and when we met up with him
he had a huge desire to be baptized! He has already had all the lessons
is living the commandments and has been to church before, the only
thing left to do to be baptized was coming to church on Sundayy. Which
he did!! So he will be baptized this weekend, it's a one week
Since W____ is going to Nauvoo this weekend and the YM were going to
the temple we were able to give him the priesthood this Sunday! We had
a really sweet week and saw lots of miracles. Sorry I wasn't able to
write more, love ya!
- Elder Andrasko
We went up to Wichita today to drop off Elder Eakle so he can get his
new companion. So after 5 weeks in a 6 week transfer we are out of a
trio that was supposed to last maybe 2 weeks.
This week we had to push back B__'s baptism to the 4th, which was
terrible. But quitting smoking is a hard thing. But he has been living
the word of wisdom for a full week now. So he's still looking good for
next weekend. Unfortunately his baptism is transfer week so Elder
Colemere or I might not be around for it.
A__- doesn't really have a strong desire for baptism, she wants to be
baptized but she is scared to do it. And it's been hard for us to get
down to the root of the problem because she is really nervous around
us. But we have been building an awesome relationship with her. And
baptism is totally possible with her this Sunday. Not Saturday because
W____ is going with the young men to Nauvoo.
We had such a sick miracle this week. We went on exchanges with the
ZLs, Elder Haws served down in Ark 8 months ago so he came down with
me. We went to see someone he had baptized and his friend, who was a
previous investigator. His name is Brooks and when we met up with him
he had a huge desire to be baptized! He has already had all the lessons
is living the commandments and has been to church before, the only
thing left to do to be baptized was coming to church on Sundayy. Which
he did!! So he will be baptized this weekend, it's a one week
Since W____ is going to Nauvoo this weekend and the YM were going to
the temple we were able to give him the priesthood this Sunday! We had
a really sweet week and saw lots of miracles. Sorry I wasn't able to
write more, love ya!
- Elder Andrasko
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Hungry Like the Wolf
This past week has been one of the coolest/best weeks ever! There was so much that happened, but there was a ton that needed to happen but didn't.
Thursday was the best day this week. We went off to see B__, and he finally gave us all of his cigarettes! There was 12 packs, which is $60 worth! And he told us to get rid of them! We were pretty ecstatic. After we met a new investigator, T____, whose dad died last month in an accident at General Electric, and she is a single mom with two kids. Bit of a tough situation, but she is one of the nicest ladies ever!
Not much else happened this week, but it was a good and fun week. My biggest goal for this coming week is to put as many people on date for baptism as possible. I know that there are so many people who are ready for us to meet them, and I just can't wait to find them! Missions are the bomb, especially this mission which is the greatest mission in the World!
I'd say one of the best parts of this week is we got fed every single day! I've never had that happen before, but it was definitely a highlight of this week.
But one of the worst parts of the week was all the stuff that happened to S___. The devil is really trying to get to her right now, and she is experiencing trial after trial. First of all her pet goat, Lenard, got attacked by wild dogs, twice! And he unfortunately passed away. S___'s oldest brother had been in the hospital dying and she had to make the decision to pull the plug. Then her dog, Nigel, who was 14 and older than her youngest son was hit by a car on Saturday night. It's been a hard week for her.
Monday we ended P-Day a little early because we had an investigator that said to come back around 4:30. So 4:30 rolls around and we pull up to his house. When we get up to the front door we see the Book of Mormon that we had left him sitting on the front porch with a note that says, "sorry gentleman but were not interested anymore." it was a bummer.
After that we finished up our P-Day and went to see B___, turns out he had broken the word of wisdom and had smoked, so unfortunately we had to push his baptismal date back to the 28th. Hopefully he can stay away from those death sticks!! Afterwards we headed out to see the Czaplinski's, W___ was in Arkansas till Thursday so it was a good chance for us to have a short lesson with his sister A___. She is one of our top priorities right now, but she is hard to teach because of how shy she is!
Tuesday started out with the routine trip up to Derby for our Zone Pow Wow, one of our Zone Leaders just recently got Emergency Transferred, so I got to meet the new ZL. He is a super cool guy, and his first area was actually here in Ark City.
Our first stop when we got back was to see B___, he obviously still has some issues with the word of wisdom and doesn't understand it fully, he thinks smoking pot should be okay. So we've been helping him out the best that we can. Afterwards we headed to Winfield to have dinner with our Branch President. They are the coolest people and it's always fun to go up there. After a little while in Winfield we went to go see the Czaplinski's and see how they are doing, and we taught the entire plan of salvation!
Wednesday started off with a great lesson with B___, we showed him the restoration video, it's about 20 minutes, and had a solid lesson with him. He knows that this church is true and he really wants to try and live the word of wisdom. But giving up smoking after 30 years is hard for him. There wasn't a lot of lessons Wednesday and we were a bit discouraged at the end of the day. But it was 8:55 not time to go home and we wanted to see a miracle! So we parked the car and walked around a block. There was a guy just getting out of his car, so we stopped to talk to him. He had just moved in and he was looking for a church to go to! We were able to leave him with a Book of Mormon! His name is N___ and he is a super awesome dude.
After we went to try and meet up with someone who we meet a few weeks earlier on the street, we pull up to the address he had given us and there was a big, BIG, dog in the driveway barking at us. We are manly so we slowly walked towards the door. We got there alright, but it turns out the guy is in a hospital cause he's a crazy old veteran. We also learned that the dog wasn't even a normal dog, it was a wolf. A full-blooded wolf! I was even able to pet it. But barked at me and I thought I might lose a hand.
W____ had finally made it back so we went and saw him and had a really awesome time with him, but we weren't able to teach A____.
Friday was another super awesome day because we had interview with our mission president! Prez Bell is a really awesome guy, and 15 minutes with him is life changing. Afterwards we were able to go and see both of our new investigators, Taylor and Nate, but we were total slackers and didn't invite them for baptism!!! We were all pretty upset that we didn't do it, so the week wasn't as awesome as it could have, should have, been.
Saturday almost all of our set appointments had fallen through. But we were able to take W___ out with us for a team-up and he came and taught B___ with us. It was awesome, he bore testimony, gave him advice, and even prayed for him! It was something that really helped us, W__, and B___! That night we had dinner with the Czaplinski's and they cooked the most tender piece of meat ever! I could eat it every day if I could! We then had an awesome lesson with W___ about the temple and the priesthood. This coming Sunday he is going to receive the priesthood! Then on the 27th all the Young Men are going to Nauvoo! That will be such a neat experience for him.
Sunday a lot of our planned out lessons were busy and didn't really have a lot of time to talk with us. But we did have a cool experience when we went to the Branch President's house for dinner. One of the recent converts was over there, super old lady with very poor health, and she was going to receive her patriarchal blessing! She wasn't able to make it out to Derby for that so instead the Patriarch went there! We had a cool lesson on the blessings and she was really excited for it!
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Called to Serve
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Our phone call with Elder Andrasko was great!
So last Monday we went out to the local Pawn Shop to check out their
goodies, and we came out with a baseball bat! So we rounded up a few
baseballs, went to the nearest park, and messed around with that for a
little bit. It was super fun, I love any chance I get to play some
ball! After that we had dinner at a members house. After all the food
and chitchat we were able to follow up with them on a family mission
plan that had been set up a month or two prior, and got two referrals!
So after dinner we went to follow up on one of the referrals. We were
only able to meet one of the sons, but they had been taught previously
and said we could come back! We haven't been able to see them again
though, super busy people. After it was nearly 9, but we decided to
try and hit up a couple of homies that we have been seeing nearly
every day, their names are G____ and J____. But when we got there it
just didn't feel right and we went home.
Tuesday we did our normal routine and drove up to Derby for our weekly
meetings, but since my companion is a district leader we have to get
there an hour early for his meetings, I just shoot hoops in the gym
with the other district leader companions. After the meeting we
started an exchange with the zone leaders and Elder Tonga came with me
and Elder Eakle down to Ark. But Elder Eakle had a team up in
Winfield. After we dropped him off I got my first experience of
driving while on my mission! So normally the greenies don't get to
drive until they get out of training, but Elder Tonga doesn't have a
Elder Tonga and I met with G____, J____ wasn't really around much for
this lesson, and talked a lot about the Atonement and were able to put
him on date for this month! And we invited him to come to the Young
Men activity on Wednesday, he has a homie in the ward who could take
him too. He didn't end up coming, but it was still an awesome lesson.
After we went over to the Czaplinski house for dinner, which was a
bomb steak dinner. Afterwards we had an awesome lesson with W____'s
sister, A____, about the restoration and we taught the first vision.
The best part is we were able to ask W___ to help teach her!
Wednesday started out with a drive to Derby to pick up my comp and to
help a member move. The member actually turned out to have a super
successful YouTube channel, Kinder Play Time, where his kids play with
and review toys. They get a ton of free toys and make good money for
it. So that was cool. Afterwards they took us out to Hog Wild for
lunch. All five missionaries ordered all you can eat ribs, and they
may not allow us to come back, Elder Tonga especially. We ran out of
time so Elder Tonga had to stop at 20 ribs.
When we got back to Ark we went to see G____ and J____ again and
invited again for the YM activity, they said they would come, but they
didn't. After we went to meet up with another referral, turns out they
are a part member family! It was really unexpected, but an awesome
surprise, we are going to meet up with them tonight. Afterwards we
went to the church to participate in the Young Men's activity. They
all wrote letters to their moms for Mother's Day. We ducked out a
little early so we could head up to Winfield, we didn't get to see
many people. And who we did see didn't really want to see us.
Thursday we had to drive up to Derby again! The DLs and ZLs were
having a meeting early the next day so we were going to go on
exchanges again! His time though Elder Moss, my MTC companion, came
down with us to Ark. When first getting there we met up with a less
active family who is going through some struggles. They promised us
they would come to church on Sunday, SPOILERS they didn't. Bummer.
After we again went to see G___ and J____. During the lesson J____
had told us he didn't really want to get baptized, but G_____ still
didn't know. So we had a super bomb lesson with them about prayer and
G____ actually prayed at the end of the lesson!
Friday we drove BACK UP TO DERBY again to pick up Elder Colemere, his
meeting went long so the day was nearly half over by the time we got
back to Ark. We did meet with J____, but him and G____ are going to
Arkansas, the state, for the weekend so we won't be seeing them for
awhile. Afterwards we went to meet up win Stella for dinner, she
bought us Taco Bell! The rest of the day was spent seeing less active
members and trying to get referrals.
Saturday we drove up to Winfield for some service. We did a lot of
yard work, and was rewarded with Pizza!! We went over to Stella's
house after, she had two of her sons over. I guess her brother is
dying so it's super hard on her, her son is also going through this
tough situation with adoption. We were able to give 3 Priesthood
blessings which was an incredible opportunity.
Sunday after church we went to take sacrament to a member who can't
make it to church. Afterwards we went see a less active member, who is
in HS. We gave him a scripture challenge, which he finished in like an
hour. He asked us to give him a challenge every night! So hopefully
this will spark his desire. Afterwards we went to the branch
presidents house for dinner. Roast! Reminds me of dinners back at
home! After we went to see a member, we didn't expect to stay for
long, but his cousin just moved in with him.
B___ is his name and he is a witness, or a Jehova's Witness, but he
said there was a few issues he had the church. We were able to teach
him the entire restoration, and he understood it all! At the end we
gave him a blessing, and we are going to see him again!
This week was really awesome. And there is still more to come!
- Elder Andrasko
Time for Miracles
This past week was pretty awesome lots and lots of miracles happened.
So last Sunday we met B---, who had just moved into Ark the day we met
him. His cousin is in the ward, recently reactivated and has been
working super hard to get the priesthood. Anyway we started teaching
B---, who is an excommunicated Jehova's Witness, and he said he had a
problem with Joseph Smith, which was easily resolved, and he had a
good talk with him. Well we come back the next day and have another
lesson with him, we talked a bit about the gospel, and he was pretty
open to what we were teaching him. So we set up a return appointment
for the next day.
Tuesday we go back over to his house, and we teach him the whole
restoration. We felt that the lesson was coming to a close and we felt
that we needed to invite him to be baptized. But before we can even
say anything he tells us, "I feel like I'm supposed to be here right
now, that like God wants me to talk with you and to join your church."
We were awestruck, he basically told us he wanted to be baptized, so
we invited him for the 21st of this month. After that he had a ton of
questions, some of those questions were about the plan of salvation,
so we go over the whole plan of salvation with him. Then he asked us
about smoking and coffee, which since his cousin is a member he
already knew what we would say. So we covered the word of wisdom with
him. And he told us, "if this is what it takes to be baptized it won't
be hard at all" we told him he might be tempted and that the devil
doesn't want him to be baptized, but before we could finish he says,
"brother the devil has no power over me, and he knows it." So
hopefully that holds true and he is still not smoking.
This week was kinda lame with dinner appointments though, we had like
two. But it's better than none!
This month we have two super solid investigators who will be baptized
for sure! B---and A____, W____s sister, it's going to take a lot of
hard work, but we will happen for sure! We have a lesson pretty soon
with a family, I'm really excited because they seem really solid.
Don't have a lot of time today but hope all is well! The KWM is the greatest!
Love you all!!
- Elder Andrasko
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